Greetings! My name is Kevin Buckner. I am a Traditional Medical Practitioner or Traditional Healer. I began studying herbs in 1994 in New York City. In 1997 I traveled to Bulawayo Zimbabwe to learn the herbal and spiritual healing practices of the Sangoma and Nyanga of the Zulu, Ndebele and Shona tribes. After a 2 year training or initiation period I Returned to New Orleans and began my practice "Backyard Apothecary" . In Zulu & Ndebele Traditional Healers are called Grandmother or Grandfather, "Khulu" or "Gogo", that's why I'm called Khulu Kevin.
In the year 2000 I had a dream that was so real. When I awoke my spirit said "Paint What You Saw" Now I had never painted anything, not since 4th grade! I always had music class.
Since that Dream I haven't been able to stop painting & crafting! In Africa we recycled everything. IT WAS THE GREATEST LESSON LEARNED!
In 2013 My father purchased a property that had a lot of fruit trees on it, after adding more fruit trees, herbs and some vegetables I now have a beautiful bountiful Urban Garden! Out of this blessing Sangoma House was born! In 2014 I officially added a new product to Sangoma House, "Grandma Lilly's" Preserved, Canned and Fresh Dried Goods. Dedicated to my Grandmother Lilly Adams Buckner. Everything is naturally grown and hand made with Love!
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