I acquired my first hive (5 frame nuc) in March, 2013 from a supplier in Griffin, Georgia. I then added 2 more hives from 2lb packages of bees in April, 2013 from Dixie Bee Supply (Fat Bee Man). Goal: 60 hives by the end of 2013.
I believe in and try to live my life by the following philosophies: do-it-yourself, recycle, organic, and buy local.
In November, 2012, Kristi and I moved to Georgia from South Florida, where we both held tech-support jobs. It was after the long hours and years that we decided the money wasn't worth the damage it was causing to our health. We decided that being happy and having less stress was more important than getting the latest iPhone or going out to eat every meal. Now we live out in rural Georgia and venture into town only about once a week to shop for groceries.
Now that we live in the country, we currently have chickens, ducks, and pigs and hope to expand to rabbits, goats, and other types of fowl like turkeys and geese. We also are starting a garden. We originally wanted the bees for local pollination of our garden produce, however, after a 20 minute conversation with Don, the Fat bee Man, out of Lula, Georgia; my love of bees has grown to an obsession. Don explained that the bee trade is so much more than just honey. Imagine, these little workers at the direction of their queen continue gathering pollen, laying new eggs, and expanding daily. It isn't long until you can split your hive into 2. This rate of growth is a miracle of na
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